
As most Python packages, gmshModel can be installed in more than one way. Here, the two common ways of the package installation will be pointed out: the installation via the Conda and PyPi package managers.


GmshModel is an interface tool and makes use of many great contributions of other people. To experience the full functionality of Gmsh model, the following (non-standard) software packages are required:

  1. a dynamically built Gmsh to use the Gmsh-Python-API
  2. meshio for the conversion of meshes to various output formats
  3. pyvista for the visualization of meshes
  4. pythonocc-core for the visualization of the model geometry

Using the supported PyPi and Conda package managers, all dependencies that are necessary to run gmshModel will be automatically installed. Since the pythonocc-core package does not provide an installation for PyPi, the geometry visualization feature will not be available for it.

Installation using Conda

The availability of gmshModel in the conda-forge channel allows a straightforward installation of the package using the following command:

$ conda install -c conda-forge gmshModel

Installation using PyPi

Since gmshModel is also available from the Python Package Index, PyPi users can simply install it using the following command:

$ python3 -m pip install gmshModel

If the package does not work after the installation due to an import error of the Gmsh-Python-API, your system probably cannot find the file In order to fix this, a symbolic link from its installation location into the site-packages directory of your Python installation can be created:

# example for linux users:
$ ln -s <PATH TO GMSH>/lib/ $HOME/.local/lib/<PYTHON VERSION>/site-packages/

If you also want to have a working geometry visualization, you can compile pythonocc-core from source.